Integrating the widget in your process

The tool is built as an open system to perfectly integrate with your software and process environment. With Conversional Webhooks, you can provide other applications with event-driven information in near real-time.



A seamless integration is a key factor for us in easing the work load in your everyday life. If there is anything we can do to improve notification speed, harmonize your sales funnel or enable further tool connection don't hesitate to contact us!

Integration through webhooks

With webhooks you can feed your CRM system as soon as a customer has confirmed his email address or you can update the calendar of your kitchen store and send a notification to your salesperson's messenger as soon as a customer has requested an appointment.

Based on certain trigger events, you determine when information is transmitted. The data sets transmitted in this process are called payloads.

The following code part is a typical example for a payload:

  "Result": { 
    "created": "2019-07-31 12:05:56", 
    "modified": "2019-07-31 12:57:00", 
    "doi": false, 
    "doi_date": "2019-07-31 12:57:00", 
    "href": "" 
  "Customer": { 
    "firstname": "Tobias", 
    "gender": "m", 
    "email": "", 
    "phone": "0111111111", 
    "token": "W4GVKlZ" 
  "Style": { 
    "roomsize": [">12 m²"], 
    "shape": ["don't know"], 
    "style": ["modern"], 
    "color": ["wood"], 
    "material": ["steel"], 
    "cookinghabits": ["beginner"], 
    "wishes": ["energysaving"], 
    "timing": ["3-6 weeks"], 
    "meta_id": ["2"] 
  "ServiceRequest": { 
    "id": "p3482259", 
    "start": "2019-08-26T13:00:00+02:00", 
    "end": "2019-08-26T14:00:00+02:00", 
    "created": "2019-09-10 05:32:39", 
    "modified": "2019-09-10 05:32:39"    


The transmitted data set must be triggered by a certain event.
Here is an overview of possible events:

Event Description Payload
Model.Result.saved new customer registration default payload (customer data, profile + result)
Model.Result.activated e-mail confirmation default payload (updated)
Model.ServiceRequest.created new appointment request default + appointment data

Integration through Zapier app

Zapier is a tool that lets you connect thousands of apps with each other to get your processes automated. To have a quick overview of how it works, check their tutorial:

You will find our native integration here: